Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader
Greetings from Memphis! I am excited to be here with almost 1,000 4-H professionals attending the annual conference for the National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals, NAE4-HYDP. It’s going to be an amazing week. |
Last night, I had the privilege of attending the Williamson County 4-H Awards. While there, I got to meet and hear from many 4-H members who were being recognized for their success and their 4-H project work.
These young people were engaged in livestock projects, public speaking activities, leadership development, etcetera. It was actually very refreshing to see so many young people that love 4-H and benefit from the experiences.

As part of the program, young people were asked to share what they enjoyed most about their 4-H experiences and countless number of youth talked about friends and gaining skills.
A huge congratulations to each young person who was recognized at the Williamson County Awards Banquet last night. I’m so proud of each one of them.