Steve Sutton, Assistant Director
Tennessee 4-H Foundation
Many of our 4-H scholarship recipients are in the process of completing their first semester at college. An email was sent to agents on November 17, 2020, listing all 4-H members who have been awarded scholarships that are yet to be claimed.
Please remember 4-H’ers who have won 4-H educational scholarships are eligible to collect them as soon as they have completed a successful semester of post high school work and are enrolled for the next unit of school work. This would include college, university, trade school, etc. Successful completion means the member’s grade point average is at least 2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale.
To receive the scholarship, please have the member complete the scholarship payment form (F837-2019) and attach a copy of a grade report or transcript with the student’s name on it. If the student’s name is not on the transcript, the request cannot be processed. The scholarship payment form can be found on the 4-H website along with the written instructions for the scholarship payment requirements and procedure.
When sending the scholarship payment request form with the transcript by email, use UT Vault. You may go to UT Vault for information on how to use this system. Send the scholarship payment request form with the transcript to TN4H@utk.edu. The scholarship payment will be sent directly to the scholarship recipient’s school.
The Level I scholarships are administered by the University of Tennessee. In order to receive the Level I scholarship, a member must have successfully completed a semester of work at the UTK College of Health, Education and Human Science majoring in child and families studies or nutrition; the UTK Herbert College of Agriculture; or the UTM College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences majoring in agriculture and natural resources or family and consumer sciences. If the member won a Level I scholarship at Roundup or Congress and has chosen to attend another school or pursue a different course of study, they are NOT be eligible for the scholarship.
If there are questions, we are happy to help the facilitate between the student and the school.