Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist
If your county is using Online Marketplace for credit card purchases of Junior 4-H Camp, or any other camp, please follow the directions below to set this up:
- Please wait until you are certain of your camp costs before setting up Online Marketplace. As a re- minder, and for example, the base cost of Junior 4-H Camp without using a credit card is $300, and that would correspond to a credit card charge of $315.
- If you have any county costs for camp (such as t-shirt or transportation), you can add it to the $300 fee. The credit card fee is 5% of the total.
- You may also be able to split the payment of camp for your camp participants, thereby setting up payment plans. The options for these plans are:
- Deposit and Two Equal Payments (for example: $100 deposit and 2 payments of $107.50) Three Equal Payments – (for example: three equal payments of $105)
- Those camps that choose to have installment options will still have the drop down option of a payment in full.
Send an email to Carla Phillips and let her know your total camp cost. Also let Carla know about any special instructions, such as an opening and closing dates of your Online Marketplace 4-H Camp site, or payment plans.