Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist
If your county is using Online Marketplace for credit card purchases of Junior 4-H Camp, or any other camp, please follow the directions below to set this up:
- Please wait until you are certain of your camp costs before setting up Online Market- place.
- As a reminder, and for example, the base cost of Junior 4-H Camp without using a credit card is $281, and that would correspond to a credit card charge of $296.
- If you have any county costs for camp, add it in addition to $281.
- You keep 95% of your costs, with the remainder being the credit card fee. If you want to, you can use an Excel spreadsheet formula =ROUNDUP (((D9*100)/95),0) to figure out the credit card charge.
- Send an email to Carla Phillips and let her know your total camp cost.
- Let Carla know about any special instructions, such as an opening and closing date of your Online Marketplace 4-H Camp site.