Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager
![Current Grant Projects: Dyer County [4-H Mentoring Program] - Teen leaders who have helped out with the 4-H Mentoring Program](https://4h.tennessee.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2020/07/4-HMentoringProgramDyerCounty-1.jpg)
The Dyer County 4-H Mentoring Program students have been learning to give back to the community and the teachers. The Dyer County 4-H program is in its fourth year working with youth at the Dyersburg Union Mission. The Mission offers Mission Youth Clubs for children and youth in grades 1-12. Each club meets on a different afternoon/ evening of the week. The youth staff members and volunteers work with local schools and parents in the application process to deter mine which students best fit the Mission’s criteria for being at-risk and in need of club programs. Club activities include recreation time, homework time, snacks, crafts, Bible, field trips, and 4-H.
With the 4-H Mentoring Program, it has given the Dyer County 4-H program an opportunity to provide 4-H meetings and activities along with participating in 4-H Service Projects for the Union Mission students. In the past several months, the middle school students have had the opportunity to participate in their club meetings, along with two service projects.
![Current Grant Projects: Dyer County [4-H Mentoring Program]](https://4h.tennessee.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2020/07/4-HMentoryingProgramDyercounty-2.jpg)
The first service project focus was making blankets for the police and fire departments. The blankets will be used to help comfort children that have gone through a crisis.
![Current Grant Projects: Dyer County [4-H Mentoring Program]](https://4h.tennessee.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2020/07/4-HMentoringProgramDyerCounty-3.jpg)
The second project had the students and mentors making a stress relief product for the teachers at their local middle school. In the next few months, the students will get to learn about planting trees, attend camps, and start making items for the local county fair. The former fair board president and current Assistant County of Schools for the city school system will come to the Union Mission to help students tag their entries for the local fair.
![Current Grant Projects: Dyer County [4-H Mentoring Program] - Students making packages for the Stress Relief Essential Oils that are being made for the teachers](https://4h.tennessee.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2020/07/4-HMenotringProgramDyerCounty-4.jpg)