Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager
Kane Reeves, Extension Agent

Each year, the Madison County 4-H program sets up a booth at the West Tennessee State Fair. Health Rocks! was our focus this year. We had the display board that showcased the effects of drugs and smoking tobacco. We had a volunteer that set behind the booth and was passing out brochures about the 4-H Health Rocks! program and the effects of drugs, tobacco and alcohol. Additionally, we had the drunken goggles simulation and a game that attendees could try out.
One night a parent came to the table and recognizes the 4-H Health Rocks! logo and says, “Hey, my son has been bringing home information about Health Rocks! and we go over it at night.” He explained that he and his son talked about the program because he struggled often with smoking. His son wanted him to quit so bad and he helped explain to his dad what it was doing to his body, which he learned from the 4-H Health Rocks! program. The dad finally decided that he was right and gave up on smoking to be there for his son. He said that if it was not for his son’s participation in the 4-H Health Rocks! program, he would still be smoking tobacco. He thanked us and expressed the importance of teaching young people prevention methods.