Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager MADISON COUNTYHEALTH ROCKS! IN MADISON COUNTYKane Reeves, Extension Agent Each year, the Madison County 4-H program sets up a booth at the West Tennessee State…
Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager MADISON COUNTYHEALTH ROCKS! IN MADISON COUNTYKane Reeves, Extension Agent Each year, the Madison County 4-H program sets up a booth at the West Tennessee State…
Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, TN 4-H Foundation The Tennessee 4-H Alumni and Friends will host the second annual meeting on Satur- day, February 25. The event begins at 10:30 a.m.…
Applications due April 1st, 2017 We are pleased to announce that through the generosity and vision of several prominent Shropshire breeders that the Third Shropshire Starter Flock Award will be given
to a lucky youth in the spring of 2017.
Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, TN 4-H Foundation The Tennessee 4-H Foundation is proud to introduce the 4-H Grows Campaign. The 4-H Grows Campaign offers a $1000 incentive for county and…
As you may know, over the 18 months, we have been working to develop the Ten- nessee 4-H Life Skills Outcomes Framework (LSOF) to guide programmatic deci- sions at the state level and to provide guidance for in-school clubs. The Targeting Life Skills model, developed by Patricia Hendricks of Iowa State University in 1996, served as the foundation for the development of the LSOF.