Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager
Are you a Healthy Living Ambassador for your county? Are you regularly checking your emails?
We currently have THREE opportunities only available for Healthy Living Ambassadors.
- Apply to teach Health Rocks! programming
- The Health Rocks! Program is an alcohol, tobacco, and substance abuse prevention program. This experiential, educational program helps youth learn key health messages and skills such as critical thinking, how to manage stress and peer pressure, how to communicate effectively, and how to critically analyze media messages.
- YOU have the opportunity to reach youth grades 4 – 10th from September 1, 2018 – August 31, 2019 with this program. The curriculum must be taught to 4-H age youth in a minimum of 10 sessions for a total of 10 hours. This can be done through school based 4-H clubs, after-school programs, summer day camps, etc., but not through a one-day, healthy fair type of event. The best part is – I will mail you all of the supplies that you need. No shopping or spending your own money!
- You can choose to reach 25, 5, 75, or 100 youth! If you successfully reach the youth with 10 hours (or more) of programming, you can choose from the list of items as a thank you! (To clarify, a youth “reached” will have received 10 hours of curriculum).
- To apply, please complete this application, which is fairly simple and straightforward.
- If you are interested, please complete the application by September 10, 2018.
- If your application is awarded, you will receive an online training video to watch at your convenience.
- Apply to for $100 SRTLC scholarship
- Apply to teach a healthy lving workshop at the Southern Region teen Leadership Conference (SRTLC) September 20-23, 2018 at the Clyde York 4-H Center in Crossville, TN, and get a $100 scholarship towards your registration fee! This even is open to senior 4-H members (ages 14-18) from across the south. SLTRC is an outstanding opportunity to develop leadership skills, citizenship skills, and find opportunities to put those skills to use in your community. The registration fee for this conference is $185.00 which includes lodging, meals, and a t-shirt, but you could pay just $85.00!
- Step 1: You will need to submit a workshop proposal.
- Note: Workshop proposals are due by Tuesday, September 4, 2018.
- Step 2: Then complete the short application for the $100 scholarship.
- Run in the Funnel Cake 5K for only $15
- The 2018 4-H Funnel Cake 5K is quickly approaching – September 15, 2018.
- It is held at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds in Nashville, Tn. Along with all the cool freebies you receive for running plus a t-shirt – you get a funnel cake at the end! What better prize than a hot, fresh funnel cake!
- The cost to run is $30, usually, BUT for HLA’s the price is only $15!
- Be sure to register now!
- Check your email for the coupon code! Or email me for the code!