Jennifer Richards, Assistant Professor
Join the curriculum development team for an exciting in-service focused on lesson planning, student engagement, and assessing student learning on April 25th, May 1st, or May 2nd at the following locations where we will work to answer the following questions through a day of fun, exciting, and engaging activities.
- How can I keep 30 pre-teens engaged for 40 whole minutes?
- How will I know if they are actually learning?
- Lesson planning is overwhelming…help!
Registration is taking place on SUPER,. Sign up now and join us for a day of fun activities!
- Eastern Region (Eastern Region Office) April 25, 2017
- Central Region (Rutherford County – Community Building) May 1, 2017
- Western Region (WTREC, Room B) May 2, 2017
Temporary Housing for Published Lesson Plans
While the design of the new In-School Clubs page of the state 4-H Website is being finalized, a temporary location for published lesson plans has been created. All published lesson plans, descriptions of each lesson plan, and any additional materials, such as PowerPoints and be found on the 4-H website. As new lessons are published, they will be added to the site. Lesson plans have been organized by level and all lessons are aligned to state content standards. If you have any questions about the new site or the in-service, please reach out to Jennifer or James.