Dwight Loveday, Associate Professor
The Georgia Junior Beef Futurity is scheduled for July 12-14 at the Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter, Perry, GA. All information about the 2018 Georgia Junior Beef Futurity is posted on the Georgia 4-H website.
Please read through all show rules before submitting entry forms.
Please remember:
- Entry Deadline is set for June 15th to Christa Steinkamp, 216 Four Towers-UGA, Athens, GA 30602. Checks to be made payable: Georgia Junior Beef Futurity.
- Port-A-Cool or other cooling units may be used with pre-registration fee of $50/unit. All cooling units must have an approved tag purchased on entry form by entry dead- line.
- All fans must be attached to a tie panel.
- Chute tags will be required to be purchased for $25 per chute; will be handed out when you pick up stall assignments.
- Please read through rules for specific wording on 2018 Futurity rules.
- All RV Reservations are handled through the Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter, RV Center.
- Please note that all Georgia 4-H exhibitors will be required to upload a completed Code of Conduct Form and Medical Release Forms through event registration prior to 11:59 pm on June 29th. All out of state 4-H members, must submit a completed Georgia 4-H Code of Conduct and Georgia 4-H Medical Release Form with their entries.
Please contact one of the show superintendents with questions:
Carole Knight
Heather Shultz (706.542.8892-Office)
Christa Steinkamp
Ricky Wheeler