Justin Crowe, 4-H Youth Development – Director and State Leader
I saw a recent Facebook post where a teacher friend shared comments from a recent in- service training she attended. One of the messages she shared that really resonated with me was three simple words – Humankind: Be Both!
Be Both! In today’s volatile climate, it is important, now more than ever, that we demonstrate kindness to each other. In 4-H, we teach youth the importance of putting others ahead of themselves.Through our 4-H programs and activities, our staff and volunteers reinforce the idea that kindness is key and that youth should demonstrate sympathy and empathy when appropriate.
We owe this type of demonstrated behavior to the youth we serve.They are watching.They are listening.They want to live in a world where individuals help each other, are kind, and use civil discourse.
As we re-enter our workplaces, schools (for students), and society, let’s always remember that we are all human.We make mistakes. Things are not always easy, but we can always be kind.