Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader

Most of us watch the news, whether on the TV early in the morning, in our cars on the way to work, or on social media during our lunch break. We sometimes get overwhelmed with information; I know I certainly do! As it relates to the COVID-19 vaccinations, I listened, asked questions, and made the decision that getting the vaccine was what I wanted to do. As it relates to the virus, I am glad the situation seems to look more positive long-term. As we move into the summer, I am so excited to be able to hold more 4-H events, travel around the state (and the world!), and hug people (yes, I am a hugger!). By getting the vaccine, I feel safer. I feel more confident in going out to eat in a restaurant and being out in public. Those of you that know me well know that I am an extrovert – through and through. I enjoy being around people.
I am now on day two after my second dose of the vaccine. I was a little fatigued last night, but I woke up this morning feeling OK. So read up on the vaccine, ask questions, and learn more. If you want to know about my experience, I would love to talk with you about it.