Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist
The Don Bowman All Star Service Award recognizes county All-Star groups for their most outstanding service project. This year, 33 counties submitted Don Bowman All Star Service Award entries. The All Stars in these counties were involved in a wide variety of service projects, including sending seasonal cards and letters of encouragement to our troops overseas, making masks, raising money for various organizations, as well as many community beautification projects across the state. The regional winner of the Don Bowman Award received a certificate and $10 cash, sponsored by the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation.
The regional winners of the Don Bowman Project Award are:
Western Region: Madison County
Central Region: Moore County
Eastern Region: Hawkins County
The state winner of the Don Bowman Project Award received a plaque and $50 sponsored by Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation. The state 4-H Don Bowman Project Award winner was Hawkins County.