Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader

Last week I enjoyed a visit with the 4-H center managers and staff, regional directors, UT Extension budget office, UT Risk Management team, etc. as we talked about and made plans for the 2022 4-H camping season. Correspondence is forthcoming from the regional offices today, but the great news is that camp prices are remaining the same for 2022. We will keep the cost at $300 (more details are in the e-mail that is being sent out.) I know you all are like me and you can’t wait to the smiling faces of the 4-H campers as they play ga-ga (for the 10th hour of the day) or make their first tie-dyed t-shirt. Hearing their excitement as they go down the pool slide for the first time is one of many enjoyable sounds of camp. And yes, even the homesick camper who wakes you up at 3 a.m. because they miss their momma. It’s been a tough run the past several months, but we are looking ahead with no rear-view mirror. Things will be better. We will all get the chance to be together and enjoy the sights and sounds of 4-H camp again! I am ready! Who’s with me? |