Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader

Mr. Justin Crowe
The last few days have confirmed to me that fall is definitely here. It’s getting colder, which means the sweater vests have been pulled out of the closet.
This past Friday, the 4-H Youth Development department collaborated with the Herbert College of Agriculture to host the annual UTIA Fall Festival. The festival brought together clubs and departments from across the ag campus for games, educational activities and, of course, LOTS of candy for area children.
Everyone had a wonderful time at the Fall Festival, and enjoyed our time together to promote UTIA! It reminded me of why we do what we do. Many of you have heard me say MANY times over the years that “it’s all for the children”. Well, it really is. You all do such meaningful work. It’s important, and it’s appreciated. I hope everyone has a wonderful week. I also hope everyone enjoyed splurging on candy this past weekend. I know I sure did!