Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, TN 4-H Foundation
This year the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation celebrates 100 years. As they celebrate this incredible milestone, they look to the future of Tennessee agriculture and consider where the next leaders of their organization will be developed. The longstanding support given by the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation to the Tennessee 4-H and FFA organizations represents their belief that these programs are preparing the next generations of Tennessee agriculture and the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation.
For this reason, the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation is launching a fundraising campaign: “100 for 100.” The Federation encourages Tennessee Farm Bureau members, Farm Bureau county boards and other agricultural supporters to donate $100 in honor of the last 100 years. These funds will be given to the Tennessee 4-H and Tennessee FFA Foundations for the further development of youth leadership and agriculture programs within Tennessee. County Farm Bureaus are especially encouraged to raise these funds within their counties.
The winning county Farm Bureau will receive a celebration for the county Farm Bureau board, local 4-H clubs and FFA chapters and state 4-H and FFA leadership.
Donations should be made online by November 30, 2021.
Winners will be announced on Monday, December 6th.
All funds will be directly contributed to the Tennessee 4-H Foundation and Tennessee FFA Foundation.
Learn more or support the campaign at https://tnfarmbureau.org/100for100