Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist
If you have not signed up for your 2022 4-H in-services, time is running short on taking advantage of topics offered in January!
Beyond Bake Sales and Car Washes
Instructors: Ryan Hensley and Christie Henderson
• WR = January 19
Where’s Waldo?: An Introduction to GPS and GIS Technology
Instructors: Tom Broyles and Reginald Archer
• CR = January 11
• ER = January 13
Engaging 4-H’ers in Meaningful Project Work
Instructors: Jennifer Richards, Lynne Middleton, and Lori Gallimore
• CR = January 10
• WR = January 11
• ER = January 18
Just a friendly reminder…all of us are required to have 32 hours of professional development training each year! There are a lot of in-services being offered this year! We look forward to seeing you!