Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader

Many of you have heard me say that I have the best job in the world? Well, it’s true. While I won’t arm wrestle anyone who wants to argue that point, I will say that I feel strongly that when you LOVE what you do, you truly never work a day in your life.
I had the pleasure of spending the weekend engaged in a planning retreat with our UTK collegiate 4-H/FFA officer team. This group of students spent the weekend planning for the 2021/2022 program year, scheduling service projects and fundraisers, and discussing how we can ensure that 4-H/FFA stays relevant on our college campus and an enjoyable experience by all. I’m VERY lucky. I get to lead our 4-H program but also still get to have direct contact with our young people. I feel that I get the best of both worlds.
In Extension, we work long hours and spend a lot of nights away from home, BUT when you love what you do, you never really work a day in your life. Thanks for what each of you do everyday to help young people grow and learn.