Tennessee 4-H…on the National Level!
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader I was so honored to be invited to a United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture zoom meeting…

2022 Citizenship and Leadership Project Finalists Announced
Citizenship Level I Finalists Carabeth Chrisawn, Carter County Callie Smith, Jefferson County Harris Eddins, Knox County Trinity Nash, Macon County Mason Valentine, Sevier County Jeremiah Tindell Union County Level…

Curriculum Corner
Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist Several new project area guides have been published this week and I wanted to spotlight the Intermediate Clothing & Textiles series. Dr. Sue…

Tennessee 4-H Junior High Academic Conference
2021 Academic Conference was a HUGE success! This event went on the road across the state last week at four institutions with over 120 6-8th grade 4-H members participating in the one day events. Subject Matter Experts from a range of project areas at each location held four 45 minute sessions with the 4-H’ers at each campus.

Boks Kids Monthly Challenge – February and Week 3
Shelby Brawner, Extension Specialist Contact Shelby Brawner for more information.