The Tennessee Make It with Wool Contest is Saturday, August 27, 2022 at the Wilson County Fair—Tennessee State Fair in Lebanon. Dee Wolters, 4-H volunteer leader in Maury County, is the Tennessee Make It with Wool state director. The Tennessee Sheep Producers are proud to sponsor the 2022 contest and the deadline to enter is July 30, 2022.
Please inform any interested person in your county about this contest. Divisions are preteen (<13 yrs), junior (13-16 years); senior (17-24 years); and adult (25 years and older),and wearable accessory.
Contestants create garment(s) for themselves using wool fabric and fiber by sewing, knitting, crocheting, or felting. First place winners at the Tennessee state contest will be awarded wool fabric or wool yarn, in addition to fair premiums presented by the Fair. The state winners in the junior and senior classes will represent Tennessee at the National Make it With Wool contest in Fort Worth, TX, in January 2023. At the national contest, youth compete for scholarships, wool fabric, sewing equipment, and cash prizes.
Garments will be judged by a panel of judges both on and off the contestant. Contestants will have an opportunity to showcase their sewing skills as well as their knowledge of wool and the sheep industry. The contestants will have an educational session to learn proper techniques while sewing with wool. Session is open to non-contestants as space permits.
Check out the Facebook page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/Tennessee-Make-It-With-Wool
Information about the contest may be found on the ASI Make it With Wool website: National Make It With Wool
Entry forms (https://makeitwithwool.com/entry-fees-%26-forms) and a $15 entry fee, as well as a fabric / yarn swatch should be mailed to:
Dee Wolters
TN Make it With Wool
2684 E Sheepneck Rd
Culleoka TN 38451
Deadline to enter July 30, 2022
Please contact Starla Hardin, Maury County FCS Agent (shardin4@utk.edu) or Dee Wolters, Maury County Volunteer Leader (twolters@bellsouth.net) for more information.