The Jones family, from Robertson County, has been recognized for their involvement and commitment to 4-H youth. They were presented with the prestigious 2020 Hale Master 4-H Family award. The purpose of the Hale Master 4-H Family Recognition Award is to recognize 4- H families for their consistent leadership and exceptional involvement on the county, region and state levels of 4- H work. The Jones Family includes Tim and LaDonna, and their children, Amber, Analynn, and Allen.
The family started their 4-H involvement when Amber, their oldest who is now in college at UT Martin, visited the Robertson County Fair in the 7th grade. They have been immersed ever since. It wasn’t long before Tim and LaDonna became active adult volunteer leaders. Community service has been a big part of the families’ 4-H endeavors: serving as superintendents with the Robertson County Fair; the children on the Youth Fair Council; coordinating Operation Christmas Child, organizing a local food pantry and laundry basket ministry, and many other projects. All of the children have been active in 4-H at numerous levels of participation, with Amber, in Photography, and Analynn, in Entomology, winning their state project contests and earning trips to National 4-H Congress. Allen has participated in Academic Conference twice and is heavily involved in the 4-H Robotics Club. The family has been involved extensively in 4-H events, such as Electric Camp, OWLS camp, Jr. High Camp, All Stars, Roundup, Congress, the Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference, and many others. Judging team involvement includes Forestry, Consumer Decision Making, Dairy Products, and Lifeskills. Tim and LaDonna have served as adult leaders many times, and the children have served as teen leaders many times as well.