Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader

This past Friday, I enjoyed attending the June Dairy Month luncheon held at Battleground Farms in middle Tennessee. In my previous role, I had the pleasure of working with the Dairy Alliance for more than a decade implementing the June Dairy Month activities across our great state, therefore this event is very special to me.
The June Dairy Month luncheon is the official kick-off for June Dairy Month and all of the great promotional activities that will happen during the month of June. The crowd included many 4-H members who are serving as county chairpersons, Extension staff, volunteers, agricultural leaders, and dairy farmers from across Tennessee. Our previous and upcoming chairpersons were recognized and several 4-H award winners were introduced.
June Dairy Month is a wonderful way to showcase the dairy industry and give our 4-H members leadership opportunities. These young people will conduct dairy service projects, contests, like the Milk Moustache contest, and educate youth and adults on the importance of dairy.
Special thanks to the Dairy Alliance for their ongoing leadership of this program.