Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist and Jeff Mitchell, Extension Assistant
The June Dairy Month kick off luncheon was held on Wednesday, May 30 at Battle Mountain Farms near Nashville. Participating in the June Dairy Month kickoff luncheon, where 4-Hers were involved in the Dairy Quiz Bowl contest (13 teams) as well as 2017 June Dairy Month contest winners, 2018 post- er contest winners and 2018 June Dairy Month chairpersons. Several speakers including three 4-H project winners and and a special guest speaker, Geroge Wilson, retired TN Titans player.
Congratulations to the state winning teams. They are as follows:
Junior High:
- Williamson County
- Coach: Wendi Lamb
- Hannah Osborne
- Sam Lamb
- Presley Noland
- Will Poynor
Senior High:
- Marshall County
- Coach: Julie Giles
- Jayme Ozburn
- Ellarose Strasser
- Jacob Gillespie
- Jacob Johns
The following state winners were also announced at the June Dairy Month Luncheon.
Featured speakers – state 4-H project winners
- Ashley Bell – Dairy Project
- Abigail Ferguson – Nutrition, Health, and Fitness
- Kathryn Fellhoelter – Nutrition, Health, and Fitness
Tennessee Poster Contest Winners:
- First Place $550 – Caitlin Dunn, Hamilton Co.
- Second Place $300 – Aiden Crider, Dickson Co.
- Third Place $200 – Raegan Davis, Montgomery Co.
2017 Chairperson Winners:
- Media Award of $250 , Evan England, Marion Co.
- Best Use of Theme Award $250 – Paige Daven- port, Macon Co.
Three Overall State Awards: $500 Prize Awarded To:
- Paige Davenport, Macon Co.
- Lilly Cowan, Lincoln Co.
- Annie Hunt, Sumner Co.