Master Plan Moving Along!
Dr. Richard Clark
In January, University of Tennessee Extension contracted with an architectural firm and a landscape architectural firm to begin the site planning for our newest 4-H Educational Center at Lone Oaks Farm. A planning committee of 4-H professionals was established to work with the two firms to help them understand the 4-H program, the needs of a 4-H camp, outdoor adventure learning, and the size and scope of the camping program.
Based on the help of the planning committee and an in-depth scientific analysis of the property, the master plan for the property is be- ginning to take form. A preliminary site layout was presented to the planning committee earlier this month. Revisions were suggested and those were incorporated. Now that basic areas of the property have been identified by use and function, the planners will begin to look at more details related to structures, roads, pathways, and possible shared facilities with an adult conference center which will also be developed on the property.
The next report back to the planning committee and the university administration will happen in April. At this time we should begin to see a fuller design for the property. The full master plan will be revealed at the end of June.