Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist
Madison County is currently the top county in the state in terms of number of Honor Club initiates for 2018. As of June 29, they had 42 new Honor Club members approved for membership! The rankings are as follows.
- 1st: Madison County – 42
- 2nd: Bradley County – 38
- 3rd: Moore County – 17
- 4th: Polk County – 15
- 5th: Sumner County – 12
The Eastern Region leads the state with 124 initiates, followed by Central with 106 and Western with 89.
We are convinced there is a positive correlation between the number of Honor Club members a county can qualify and the quality of the 4-H program in the county. Honor Club membership is based on participation. Unless many participation opportunities are made available, not many 4-H’ers will be able to qualify for Honor Club recognition. Go to the 4-H Honor Club page for a complete listing of Honor Club initiates by region and county for January through June of this year.