Julie Harstin, Extension Agent, McNairy County
The McNairy County 4-H forestry judging team represented Tennessee at the National 4-H Forestry Judging Invitational in Weston, West Virginia, July 28-31, 2019.
Team members were (left to right): Samuel Harrelson, Carrie Goodrum, Faith Collins, and Olivia Young. Landon McAfee (far right), an adult volunteer leader and a 2016 4-H forestry judging team member, accompanied the group as a chaperone, along with coach Julie Harstin (not pictured).

The team placed 9th of 13 teams at this national contest with Samuel Harrelson taking 9th High Scoring Individual. The contest included: identification of trees, insects, and diseases, forest evaluation, topographic map reading, compass and pacing, and a test and quiz bowl. After all the official contests were complete, the participants were invited to a fun woodsman skills competition.
Pictured here are Faith and Olivia at the crosscut saw competition and Samuel taking 3rd place at log toss. This team overcame unusual obstacles as they prepared for this competition. They adjusted their practice times to allow Faith to join them by video-conference while she was visiting family in Taiwan. Her visit, planned before the team qualified at state level, lasted six of the nine months between the state and national contests. Practice times were adjusted to allow for a 13-hour time difference, and photos were shared on a phone app called Band.com.
This trip was made possible by our generous sponsors. In addition to the financial assistance provided by the family of Dr. John Sharp, the following organizations and individuals helped to sponsor our trip: Agricenter International, Mr. Bryce Moore, National Hardwood Lumber Association, Packaging Corporation of America, Western Region UT Extension, and the West Tennessee Chapter of the Tennessee Urban Forestry Council.

McNairy County Extension offers programs in agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and re- source development. The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture and McNairy County governments are cooperating. UT Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.