Dr. Richard Clark
Before you know it National 4-H Week and National Youth Science Day will be upon us. October 1-7 is this year’s date. I hope each our 95 counties will find some way to celebrate and promote 4-H in their county. National 4-H Council has produced a National 4-H Media Tool Kit to help you in your promotional activities. It even has materials in Spanish for non -English speakers in your communities. The kit may be found on the 4-H Marketing Resources website.
The theme for this year is Grow True Leaders. Materials are available for press releases, Facebook, snapchat, twitter, radio and tv. There are also printed materials for posters and flyers.
One of the most anticipated events of National 4-H Week every year is 4-H National Youth Science Day, which sees hundreds of thousands of youth across the nation taking part in the world’s largest youth-led science challenge. The exciting theme for this year’s challenge is Incredible Wearables. On Wednesday, Oct. 4, youth will use the engineering design process to build a prototype wearable technology that will gather data to help solve a real-world problem. Wearable technologies are now used in industries around the globe, from education and sport, to health, fashion, entertainment, transportation and communication.
To learn more about National Youth Science Day, please visit the 4-H STEM website.