Aaron Fisher, Youth Livestock and Equine Specialist
The 2019 State 4-H Livestock Judging Contest was held Tuesday, June 4 at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Nine teams representing 7 counties from across Tennessee competed in the event. The counties included: Anderson, Claiborne, Cumberland, Decatur, Henderson, Lincoln (3 teams) and Wilson Counties.
Livestock Judging is an activity where youth evaluate live classes of beef cattle, swine, sheep and meat goats, then defend their decision through oral reasons. Youth participating in livestock judging learn animal related skills, but more importantly enhance their communication, decision-making, critical thinking and problem solving skills. This contest consisted of 8 placing classes, 4 sets of oral reasons and 2 sets of questions.
The High Team Overall was Lincoln County A, consisting of Zach Snoddy, Eli Dotson, Alex Moore and Jana Owen and coached by Dan Owen and Jennifer Snoddy. Lincoln County A was also the High Team in Sheep/Goat Judging, High Team in Beef Judging and the Reserve Team in Reasons. They will represent Tennessee at the National 4-H Livestock Judging Contest in Louisville, KY in November.

The Reserve Champion team was Wilson County, consisting of Kaitlin Taylor, Shelby Summar, Grace Powell and Avery Lamberson and coached by Matthew Farris. They were also the High Team in Reasons and the Reserve Team in Beef Judging.

The Top 5 Individuals included: Colton Moorehead (Lincoln Co), Zach Snoddy (Lincoln Co), Eli Dot- son (Lincoln Co), Maci Gernt (Cumberland Co) and Kaitlin Taylor (Wilson Co).

This contest would not have been possible without individuals who shared their time, talents and animals with the youth. Animal providers included: Doug Venable, Cathy Ivey, Beth Burns, Joe Hall, Craig Wininger, Pit Kemmer and UT Animal Science Dept. Officials included: Kevin Thompson, Will Mayfield, Craig Wininger and Lori Edwards. Also, a special thanks is extended to Jessy Shanks and Zach Bartenslager for all of their work towards the success of the event.
Special appreciation is also extended to the event sponsors: Tennessee Pork Producers, Tennessee Cattleman’s Association, Tennessee Lower Middle Tennessee Cattleman’s Association, Tennessee Sheep Producers Association, Tennessee Livestock Producers, Tennessee Farmers Cooperative and Tennessee Association of 4-H Workers.