Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist
State 4-H Fall Judging Day was held on Saturday, October 13, 2018 at the University of Tennessee agriculture campus in Knoxville. A total of 43 teams representing 31 counties gathered to compete in four judging events and outdoor meat cookery. The results are as follows:
High Individuals (overall):
- Kailee Shores, Coffee County
- Chloe Weaver, Knox County
- Zachary Goad, Macon County
- Hannah Freeland, Knox County
Winning Team:
Knox County’s team placed first. Members of the winning team included Chelsea Davis, Hannah Freeland, Lydia McCurdy and Chloe Weaver. Holly Nehls was the teams coach and Holly McMahan was the Knox County 4-H agent. The team qualifies to represent Tennessee at the Western National 4-H Roundup in Denver, Colorado in January 2019.

Other Teams Competing:
Other teams competing in Consumer Decision Making included (in Alphabetical Order):
- Bedford County
- Bradley County
- Coffee County
- Crockett County
- Hardeman
- Hawkins County
- Lauderdale County
- Macon County
- Madison County
- Robertson county
- Washington County