4-H Camp Time is Upon Us
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader As we begin to think about summer 4-H camp and all the exciting opportunities for young people to be back face-to-face in our…

Tennessee 4-H Junior High Academic Conference
2021 Academic Conference was a HUGE success! This event went on the road across the state last week at four institutions with over 120 6-8th grade 4-H members participating in the one day events. Subject Matter Experts from a range of project areas at each location held four 45 minute sessions with the 4-H’ers at each campus.

Curriculum Corner: 4-H Connections BioBox
Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It is a great day when we can announce that some of our 4-H Agents have been selected to receive…

Free Youth Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Tennessee 4-H Members
Scott Reese, 4-H Outdoor Education Specialist As you continue to promote the Free Fishing/Hunting Licenses for 4-H members that are 13-15 years of age, here is a link for the…

Boks Kids Monthly Challenge – March, Week 3
Shelby Brawner, Extension Specialist Contact Shelby Brawner for more information.