Enjoy the Layover
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader As you might have seen from my social media, I am traveling with a group of college students to Botswana, Africa to…

Tennessee 4-H International Exchange
Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist HOST an international youth delegate from Japan and bring the richness of the world to your home! July 23, 2022, through August 17, 2022 You must…

Curriculum Corner
Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist It’s the week of July 4th, our nation’s Independence Day, and you know what that means! The three F’s — Freedom, Fireworks, and…

4-H Roundup Service Project
Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist The mission of the Carl Perkins Center is to provide support to families in preventing and dealing with child abuse in West Tennessee and to help both parents…