Curriculum Corner – National 4-H Congress
Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist The trip to National 4-H Congress was unbelievable for Tennessee’s 4-H members! Not only did more than 40 attendees have an opportunity to…

Marion County Highlight
By Dannie Bradford 4-H strives to teach youth life skills such as communication and responsibility. More often than not, youth indirectly pick up some extra life skills along their journey.…

Coffee Chat for November 28, 2022
Hey 4-H professionals, ready for a coffee break? Coffee Chat for November 28, 2022 has been posted. In this edition, we discuss how to sign up a volunteer. So pour another…

Volunteer Update for December 2022
The Volunteer Update for December 2022 has been published. In this month’s edition, learn how donors can give the gift of camp, explore the 4-H Volunteer Salute to Excellence Award program,…