Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist
While many of the state Fall Judging contests have been cancelled for this year due to COVID-19, it has been decided that we will host a state contest in Consumer Decision Making. Every region is hosting a regional contest. We wanted to give our 4-H’ers the opportunity to compete at the next level. The contest will be conducted virtually on Saturday, October 17, 2020.
You are probably wondering at this point “How will the contest be conducted virtually?” The details are in the works and will be shared with you once we have these confirmed. You are probably also wondering “Does the state winner get to go to Western National 4-H Roundup?” and “What does it mean for the winning team if the national contest is cancelled?” We have not received any information to date about changes to the national contest. At this time, it is still scheduled to take place. Again, if things change, we will let you know and work from there.
As always, your patience and flexibility is appreciated! If you have any immediate questions, please let me know!