Tennessee 4-H had great representation at Western National Roundup and FCS National Championship this year! Check out our National winners!
At the 2024 Western National Roundup in Denver, Colorado, the Macon County 4-H Parliamentary Procedure Team consisting of Ella Flynn, Caden Huntsman, Kenley Roark, Casen Austin, Kyra White, and Logan West were the first team to represent Tennessee in the National 4-H Parliamentary Procedure Contest. During the contest, this team was presented three detailed parliamentary problems to prepare for in 20 minutes and then conducted a complete meeting in 20 minutes while including all of the required components, documents, debates, and problem completion. The Macon County 4-H Parliamentary Procedure Team was named National 4-H Parliamentary Procedure Champions.

Senior High 4-H member Gabe Harville recently had the opportunity to represent Smith County and Tennessee on the national stage at 4-H Western National Roundup in Denver, Colorado. Gabe was crowned 4-H National Prepared Public Speaking Champion on Friday, January 5, 2024. We are so proud of Gabe and his dedication to the 4-H program and the way that he constantly strives to make his best better!

UT Extension 4-H and Youth Development had a senior high team from Franklin County participate in the 2024 4-H FCS National Championship in San Antonio. The Franklin County 4-H team, comprised of Lily Boswell, Madelyn Harrell, Amelia Maxon, and Samantha Pfister, and coached by 4-H Extension Agent Hunter Isbell, earned the title of National Champions, competing against teams nationwide. The team was also awarded the overall champion team in oral reasons, group think, among several overall individual awards.