Tennessee Agriculture Literacy Week

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Dr. Richard Clark

November 12-18, 2017

4-H members can share the story of agriculture through reading ac-curate agriculture books to younger students in the community. This a great way to get students involved in 4-H and gain service hours for local honor clubs. It is encouraged to read non-fiction books this week to educate students. This activity is a great opportunity for junior and senior members.

Where to get books:

  • Local Farm Bureau Literacy Library- located at local Farm Bureau offices
  • TennesseeAg – a list of suggested books to read


For every class that the student reads to, their name is submitted into a drawing for a free Orca Chaser! Participating teacher is also entered in a raffle for the chance to win a $50 gift card.

Our goal for Tennessee 4-H is to have full participation from all 95 counties

Please take photos of your teen reading and e-mail them to Justin Crowe and/or post on FB and tag Tennessee 4-H. Additionally, please complete the attached feedback form and e-mail to Ms. Lou Nave .

For more information go to TennesseeAg website or email Emily Nave at enavetn4h@gmail.com