Aaron Fisher, Extension Specialist, Youth Livestock and Equine Programs
Tennessee Sheep Producers Association was pleased to sponsor the fleece show at the 2022 Sheep Expo. Sixteen fleeces were entered representing 6 different breeds. The quality of fleece submitted was excellent.
Grand Champion fleece was exhibited by Sarah Powell of Wilson County from her Cheviot ewe.
Reserve Champion fleece was exhibited by Maggie Malone of Sullivan County from her Suffolk ewe.
Fleeces should be tied with cotton or wool cord and placed in a clear plastic bag. No plastic feed sacks and do not tie with baling twine.

Prizes were donated by the Tennessee Valley Hand Spinners Guild. This year prizes for the winners were gift cards to the Tennessee Sheep Producers store to purchase a shirt, hoodie, hat, or mug of their choice.
Mark Shedden rmnps@bellsouth.net TSPA wool committee chair
Dee Wolters twolters@bellsouth.net TSPA wood committee member