Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist
As we enter the fall semester, many 4-H agents will be using a Learning Management System – Google Classroom – to integrate seamlessly with those classrooms that are typically met n person. If your school is using Google Classroom and you are new to the platform, we hope that you will join us for a 1.5-hour in-service on Friday, August 28 at 2:00 p.m. (EST) to learn more.
In this session, Jason Shoemaker, an Extension Specialist with UTIA’s Information Technology Services, will be with us to answer any questions that you may have about how to build and use Google Class- rooms. He will build a Google Classroom during the in-service and walk you through — step-by-step — the process. It is very important that you review the resources he has posted in the “4-H InViTE” Teams site prior to this training IF you do not have any experience with Google Classroom. We will also host discussion on best practices for using Google Classroom for virtual 4-H club meetings during this time.
If you do not have access to the “4-H InViTE” Teams site, please contact Trudi Neubeck. We look forward to seeing you there!