Claudia Baney, Extension Specialist 4-H Volunteer Leader and Agent Trainings will be hosted throughout the state in March to strengthen skills and provide additional tools to prepare youth for the…
Claudia Baney, Extension Specialist 4-H Volunteer Leader and Agent Trainings will be hosted throughout the state in March to strengthen skills and provide additional tools to prepare youth for the…
Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager WALMART GRANT IN SCOTT COUNTYCassie Young, Extension Agent Scott County 4-H partnered with Fightanium Fitness and Bear Creek Sports Complex to hold a 5K event…
Jennifer Richards, Assistant Professor We have been sharing our progress in developing outcomes and lesson plans for in- school clubs over the past few months. Below is a list of…
Please mark your calendars for the 78th annual UT Block & Bridle Roundup to be held Saturday, March 4th, 2017, in the Brehm Animal Science Arena on the Agriculture Cam-…