Jennifer Richards, Assistant Professor
To: Tennessee 4-H Professionals
From: Fall Think Tank Committee
Dear 4-H Agents,
On behalf of the Fall Think Tank Committee, we wanted to let you know about some of the exciting things we have been working on for you to be better prepared for Back to School and future 4-H programming, whatever that may look like in your counties. The committee was formed from state, regional, and county personnel to ensure input was garnered from all levels that make Tennessee 4-H what it is today. I hope that you have completed the “first step” in the process, the survey to assess county needs. To date the response rate has been incredible! If you have not yet submitted the survey, please do so.
So, what can you expect? SUPPORT! Accompanying this email is a calendar invite to join a Zoom meeting on Friday, July 31 at 11:00 am (EDT). This meeting will give you an overview of the products the Think tank has been developing AND will serve as a training for using teams to access those resources.
So, what else can you expect? SUPPORT! The first items to we share will be form letters and survey questions that you may share with stakeholders. Stakeholders include teachers, school administrators, volunteers, and sponsors! Each one is formatted so you may customize for your county and provides the framework for you.
So, what else ca you expect? SUPPORT! Ready-to-go or customizable lessons will be shared through Microsoft teams. These highly engaging lesson plans will help keep your 4-H members engaged, with either face-to-face or virtual delivery methods by the 4-H Agent or the classroom teacher. More youth friendly formatting, using programs like Doodily, Presenter Media, etc., will take the place of the traditional PowerPoint presentations. The Teams site will house all the lessons prepared by the committee, but also serve as a storage hub for any lesson plans you would like to share.
So, what else can you expect? SUPPORT! Engaging communication will be key to keeping 4-Hers engaged and excited about 4-H programming. We will provide you with recruitment and retention materials to engage youth and keep them interested in participating. Agents will be provided with techniques to conduct contests virtually and marketing tools to explain contests and encourage participation. Agents will also receive a “welcome” to 4-H piece to introduce and excite youth about the 4-H program.
So, what else can you expect? SUPPORT! The response to the environment in which we find ourselves has forced us all to learn on the go! Videoing, editing, marketing, virtual classroom platforms and increased social media suddenly become more important in carrying out our mission of positive youth development. We will be offering synchronous and asynchronous trainings and certifications to enhance delivery of your educational programming.
We want Tennessee 4-H to remain the premier youth development organization in our state! Our goal is to provide the resources and training to make that happen! We realize unprecedented times cause added stress and concerns. 4-H in your county may look very different this year. And that is okay. We simply want to equip you for success as best we can as we all endure this together! Please reach out if you have other thoughts, ideas, or innovations!
Please join us on Friday, July 31 at 11:00 am (EDT)!
The Fall Think Tank