Dr. Richard Clark
On September 27, the 4-H Camp Managers met with Extension Ad-ministration to reflect on the 2017 camping season and make plans for summer 2018. The camps continue to suffer from lower than desired attendance. The camps ranged from 62-69% capacity during the 4-H camping season, thus leaving a large number of beds unfilled and potential revenue lost.
Counties have expressed a desire to keep camp costs as low as possible to keep from putting a larger burden on parents. The Camp Managers and Extension Administration had two choices to make, either in-crease costs to cover loss of revenue or keep camp costs low and in-crease attendance. The decision was made to keep the camp cost the same for 2018 as it was in 2017 at $281.00. This cost includes the university mandated $2 cost per camper for insurance. This decision will necessitate all of us working together to increase participation next year. More information on potential strategies will be discussed over the next few months.