Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist
Several of you are registered for a couple of in-services scheduled for August and September in which I am coordinating/co-coordinating. I wanted to give you an update so that you can make appropriate changes to your calendars:
“Developing Quality Section A, Section B and Section C Portfolio Forms” Currently Scheduled for:
- Eastern Region – August 4, 2020
- Central Region – August 10, 2020
- Western Region – September 29, 2020
New Plan:
This training will NOT be held in a face-to-face format. Instead, I will be scheduling a time to meet with each person registered for this training one-on-one via Zoom. I have some “best practices” information to share with you to help you improve the quality of your e-portfolios. This time will also be used for the two of us to look at your e-portfolios together and discuss ways that they can be improved. These will be conducted in 45-minute sessions.
As soon as the calendar is ready, I will send it out, along with further instructions, so that you can go in and sign up for a time that works best for both of us.
“All Together Now!: Sensory and SEL Tools for Youth with Disabilities” Currently Scheduled for:
- Western Region – August 31, 2020
- Central Region – September 1, 2020
- Eastern Region – September 2, 2020
New Plan:
This training will NOT be held in a face-to-face format, but virtual instead. This in-service is a joint effort between 4-H and FCS. The FCS Human Development Leadership Team is working now to organize these resources into a virtual format. More details regarding how to access the training, when it will be available, etc… will be forthcoming from Katie Conrad, FCS Extension Specialist.