Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader

Recent events in our nation have caused nervousness and frustration in the hearts and minds of many people. It seems that we can’t look on any social media platform without seeing so much negativity. On my drive in to campus this morning, which is usually my favorite time to reflect, I was thinking about the challenges we are all facing. It could be easy for us to get discouraged and frustrated but now, more than ever, we should focus on being a light.
In 4-H, we teach our youth to make the best better. We help educate them with life skills that keep
them motivated to help others, engage in their community, and be change agents. Our 4-H staff,
volunteers, and supporters can and should be the example for our youth.
A popular song on the radio has lyrics that include:

- In a time full of doubt, just believe
- In a world full of hate, be a light
I believe in the power of 4-H. I believe that 4-H provides opportunities for youth to grow and be successful. I also believe that positivity works. So, instead of focusing on negativity, let’s focus on family, friends, and 4-H!

The online blog can be found here:The Great Comeback, Volume 21, Issue 2
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