Check out the new project area outcomes for the Plant Science project!
- Plant Sciences: 1-2 Years in Project
- Plant Sciences: 3-5 Years in Project
- Plant Sciences: 6-9 Years in Project
These outcomes will guide 4-H’ers through developing knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to understanding soils, agronomic crops and plant breeding, crop production in Tennessee, crop management pesticides, and the past, present, and future of farming.
You can also find links to these documents from the Plant Science project page.
The new project area outcomes for the Dairy project have also just been published!
4-Her’s in the Dairy project will master general terminology, breed, external and skeletal parts, conformation and structure, health and disease, equipment and records, nutrition and feeding, genetics, and reproduction, dairy products and processing, and showing dairy cattle.
You can also find links to these documents from the Dairy project page.