Tennessee 4-H Ideas Newsletter
Volume 23, Issue 5

Tennessee 4-H–Positioning Our Youth for the Future
Justin Crowe, Director and State 4-H Program Leader This past week I had the opportunity to travel the state and visit with stakeholders and others who are interested in advancing…

Lincoln County State Livestock Quiz Bowl Champions
By Dan Owen Lincoln County 4-H was the State Winner at the State Livestock Quiz Bowl. The contest was held on January 3, 2023, at the Tennessee Cattleman’s Association in…
Tennessee 4-H Junior High Academic Conference is coming!
Tuesday, April 1, is the application deadline for the 2023 Tennessee 4-H Junior High Academic Conference. Tennessee 4-H Junior High Academic Conference is June 13–16, 2023, on the campus of…
Love is in the Air
Love for Tennessee 4-H is in the AIR! Please submit a photo of a 4-H member with a quote about why they love Tennessee 4-H on Facebook and use the…

4-H Delivers – 2023
Christie Henderson, Extension Assistant The 4-H Delivers Program is an opportunity to grow county funds through an end-of-year campaign letter. The letter and customized insert will be created and mailed…