Curriculum Corner

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Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist

Engineering/Safety Science was the LAST project area to have its outcomes published!  This is really exciting because it has been a five-year process of writing, reviewing, and publishing.
Here’s a quick Q&A about Tennessee 4-H outcomes!
Q: So wait — what are these outcomes, you ask? 
A: The outcomes show what knowledge and skills should be mastered by the time a 4-H member completes their project. 
Q: Well where can I find them for each project?  And why would I want to use them?
A: Follow this path to an example.  The example is Food Science’s outcomes but the outcomes can be found in the same place for each project area.  You would want to use them because they have been developed just for you to guide lessons and 4-H members through each project area.

Q: I already know what I’m teaching.  Why are the outcomes important?
A: How else do we begin?  When we begin with the end in mind, we have purpose and a knowledge of what the final outcomes will be.  Once you know where you’re going, planning the path to get there is much easier! Are you looking for a lesson plan? Do you have a specific group you want to work with? A particular lesson topic? A certain grade level in mind? With little information, you can search the 4-H Lesson Plan Database for complete lessons. Last minute? No problem! Whatever you need is available! 

For example – A search was run for a science lesson for 4th graders. The results were 34 different lessons with topics from Soils to Electric to wild animals and their ecosystems. There are so many great tools already developed for you with more coming every day!

If you have questions or specific curriculum needs, contact Lynne Middleton.