Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist
Tennessee Agricultural industry leaders have established November 14-20 as Tennessee Ag Literacy Week. Tennessee Ag Literacy Week focuses on connecting volunteers from the agricultural community to local classrooms to increase student knowledge about agriculture. It is an opportunity for Tennessee youth and agents to be the face of agriculture in classrooms across the state.
So how can you and your 4-H members get involved?
- Contact a local school or teacher to set up a visit.
- Select a book with an agriculture theme and read to students in elementary classrooms.
- You may also conduct an activity following the reading to share your experiences with agriculture.
- Complete a report form at the end of the month to be recognized for your efforts. (Attached or may be submitted online).
Agents can be involved as well by developing an Ag Literacy November 4-H Club lesson plan. Lesson plans are found on the site as well. You can add in an agricultural-themed book to read to the class before or after the lesson. Resources related to Ag Literacy Week are available.
A $50 gift card will be awarded to the top 4-H youth and adult readers. The Ag Literacy Committee will also provide awards to the top readers. Even though Ag Literacy is only designated for one week. All books read from November 1- November 30 will count towards 4-H and Ag Literacy sponsored awards. If you have any questions let me know. Start reading and sharing your love of agriculture!