Reflection from State 4-H Congress
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader Last week I highlighted Tennessee 4-H Congress but so much more happened after last week’s edition of Ideas was published. On Monday,…

State Winners Named at 75th Tennessee 4-H Congress
The 2021 Tennessee 4-H Project Achievement Day winners were announced in late July at Tennessee 4-H Roundup and All Star Conference and have been posted on the Tennessee 4-H website. These 4-H’ers competed alongside approximately 150 other 4-H members across the state in e-portfolio competition and then interviews to receive top honors. Level I winners received Horizon awards and the opportunity to receive a $500 college scholarship. Level Ii winners received silver bowls, a trip to National 4-H Congress in November and college scholarships.

Curriculum Corner
Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist Passport Adventures with 4-H–A trip around the world learning STEM As summertime is around the corner and headed straight for us, day camps…

Nearpod Webinar Resources
Lynne Middleton, Interim 4-H Curriculum Specialist There are two time-stamped webinar recordings that have been made available that cover a range of topics for a more effective use of Nearpod.…

Boks Kids Monthly Challenge – March, Week 5
Shelby Brawner, Extension Specialist Contact Shelby Brawner for more information.