Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader

What an amazing, whirlwind week last week was for me. I had the opportunity to travel with Dr. Stokes to the Native American Indian Association of Tennessee’s annual POW WOW outside of Nashville. It was a wonderful experience to learn more about Native American culture and to meet some of the organizations leaders. We are already thinking of how UT Extension and 4-H Youth Development can be more engaged with our Native American population.

Dr. Stokes and I also had the opportunity to travel to Memphis with Chancellor Plowman and others within UTK leadership to meet with stakeholders as well as business, community, and school leaders to discuss how UT can continue to have a strong presence in the Shelby County area and what we can do to reach more people with our amazing programs.

The week was rounded off on Saturday, October 23 with 4-H Fall Judging where over 250 youth plus approximately 100 extension staff members and parents on the UTIA campus as our 4-H members competed in various judging team competitions.
It is ALWAYS great to see people together, and, of course, it’s even more exciting to see our 4-H youth recognized for their hard work. I’ll continue to yell this from the rooftops – I really do have the best job in the world!