Justin Crowe, 4-H Youth Development Director and State Leader
I believe that our 4-H agents have always been innovative. Over the last 110 years, the 4-H pro- gram has undergone many changes. Our activities and events have evolved. We have grown and changed with the times to ensure that we meet the needs of our clientele. Most recently, with 4-H agents and program assistants working remotely, these staff members, along with our regional and state staff members, have been pushed outside of their box and be creative in their program delivery. Summer programming has been a real success, with videos being produced and virtual contests and activities happening on a regular basis.
In a few short days, many schools will re-open. Tennessee 4-H agents are concerned. They miss their 4-H members and the interaction they normally have with them. We have a statewide team that is working on this. We know that classroom teachers are stressed about keeping themselves and their students safe and are not sure what the 4-H program will look like in their classroom. Our 4-H staff is, once again, pushing themselves to be innovative in how they propose we best serve our 4-H members this fall. We will get there and perhaps come out of this better than ever.
How will you be innovative today?