Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader
This past weekend, I had the pleasure of working with my final 4-H All Star High Council meeting as the state 4-H All Star Advisor. This role, one I held for many years, was a highlight for me. It combined two areas I love, teen programs and service.
Working with senior high 4-H members who are more committed to others than themselves is refreshing in a time when selfish interests seem to be the norm. These young people truly put others first and themselves second. As I transition the All Star advisor role to Mrs. Jamie Harris, who fills the vacant position I left in 2020, I was reminded of just how powerful a group of caring individuals can be.
Our youth are “zoomed out.” Our adults are “zoomed out.” We, however, enjoyed our virtual 4-H All Star High Council complete with regional reports, a business meeting, planning for 4-H Roundup, a service project (making dog chew toys for local animal shelters), and wrapped up the day with a nutrition cooking class led by Shelby Brawner.

The Tennessee 4-H program is strong. It gains its strength from the staff, volunteers, stakeholders and supporters, and others who pour into the program. The 4-H members, though, are why we do what we do. They are the reason many of us get out of bed every morning to go to our jobs, so we can help them be successful. I am thankful to work with young people who just want to make the world a better place. What an inspiration this generation should be for us all.

The online blog can be found here: The Great Comeback, Volume 21, Issue 5